Monday, April 5, 2010

Lecture 13: Transliteracy and Inanimate Alice

Today's lesson will be devoted to reading a new kind of narrative - an online multimodal one (Inanimate Alice).

The outline for today's class will go like this:

What is a web fiction?
What is multimodality?
What do I mean by transliteracy?

Transliteracy in action

Read Episode 1, 2 and 3 of Inanimate Alice. If time permits, read Episode 4.

While reading note:
How reading this online fiction is different from reading the essays in the course books or reading the texts for your research assignment
What can readers infer about the identity of Alice? What traits does Alice seem to possess?
1 instance of foreshadowing
Complete this sentence: “I think the author is trying to say....”
The definition of transliteracy, do you feel you are transliterate? Why or why not (explain).

Post your responses to the class blog DURING this lesson


  1. 1) Its gives more realism and more understatement of character emotions.
    2)She act frightened at all three episodes.
    3)Foreshadowing: Episode3 starts in the closet and make emotion of something frightening woould happen.I the end of the episode 3 Alice hiding in the closet from the Russian angry people=)
    4) That Alice is the girl who always get in the trubles with her parents. Author wants to put reader concentration into the Alice nervous, frigtened character.
    5) Yes I am transliterate because i am doing reading,watching pictures and listening music in same time in the same space.

  2. 1. Online fiction differs from essays and other texts in the way that it is presented. Not only is the article online, but it also utilizes pictures, video, sound, and interactivity to draw the reader into the story.

    2. Alice is a young girl. She is artistic and her friends call her 'The Animator'. She seems to be slightly more mature for her age, but still shows signs of a naive young girl.

    3. The doll shown in the title of episode 3 foreshadowed a doll collecting game throughout all of episode 3. At the end of the episode all the dolls need to be collected to finish the story.

    4. I think the other is trying to say that people need an escape from reality. People need an outlet to express themselves, and to get away from the trials of everyday life. No matter how strange real life is.

    5. The ability to read across modes simultaneously. I feel that I am transliterate. I feel that I can read, listen, and interact with many different facets of a story at the same time, and still secure the meaning of the story without sacrificing the enjoyment of the story.

  3. 1. The interactivity makes the online fiction easier and, I think, more fun to read. The small games that relate to the story help concentrate on what is really going on. As well, the small amounts of text help keep the mind on the story and not anything else.

    2. As Alice grows during the stories we learn more about her. She possesses the basic traits of a growing young girl. By the age of 13 in Russia, Alice seems to be very intelligent and receptive. As well, at age 10 Alice shows artistic qualities that help her make friends.

    3. The doll game was one instance of foreshadowing because at the end of episode 3, you needed to have collected all the dolls in order to get passed the armed guard.

    4. I think the author is trying to say that the story of Alice, using the online transliterate style can help anyone learn to read in depth and gain a better understanding of a complicated reading.

    5. Transliteracy is the ability to read text, image, sound, video and interaction as it occurs all in the same space. I believe I am transliterate because I cannot sit and read a story without getting bored of losing concentration. This online fiction made things interesting and fun. I could understand everything that was going on and I enjoyed the small games that related to the story.

  4. Lecture 13.

    1) The online reading was different than reading from a text because sound and images were involved, as well as interactive buttons to keep the story moving. The story seems real and seeing and hearing images and sounds really made this story way more interesting.

    2) Readers can assume Alice is a girl, possibly half Asian, half white relating to the names of her parents, Ming and John. Readers can also assume that Alice moves around a lot throughout the world because of her Dad's job and she really wants to go to school, have a dog, ride a bicycle and have a normal life but she can't because of her constant moving. Alice is a forgiving young girl and accepting of her parents regardless of them moving her around. She also gets scared easily, she doesn't like being left alone but feels fine when her parents are around.

    3) One instance of foreshadowing was in the Russia story near the end at the second check stop, the officer says, "Find all the dolls," which made it seem less likely that something bad was going to happen Alice. On the way to the airfield, her family is fleeing and the suspense had me as a reader assume they were going to get pulled over, or caught. But in the end, they got out safely.

    4) I think the author is trying to say.... that Alice is this girl on the go, and they are trying to portray her constant movement and the effect it has on her as a child. And the way she views and hears everything.

    5) I do feel I'm transliterate because I enjoyed these episodes and interacted as I was supposed to. The music and images enhanced the effect of the story in my mind. It was fun and better than reading an essay or story out of a book.

  5. Sarah Coates
    Lecture 13

    How is Inanimate Alice different from reading other essays? Inanimate Alice incorporates highly interactive elements into the story such as sound, video, and games to get the reader more involved with the story, and creating a more realistic experience.

    What can you infer about Alice’s identity? Alice spends much of her time alone, her interactions with others are limited. To help cure her loneliness, Alice creates an imaginary friend, Brad. Brad often comforts Alice and prompts her to take actions during the course of the story. From the story, we can infer that Alice is quite independent and also very smart.

    One example of foreshadowing in the story occurs in episode 2 when Alice falls down, experiencing darkness and fear. This alludes to moments in episode 3 where she is alone and trapped in the closet, listening to arguments outside.

    I think the author is trying to express the thoughts that go through one’s head when they are alone.

    Transliteracy can be defined as multiple forms of media contributing to the communication of a message or story. I believe that as a designer, I am transliterary. Design often requires bringing multiple forms of media together to effectively communicate a message.

  6. Lecture 13
    1. Reading this online multimedia story entitled Inanimate Alice was very interesting. It is a very different experience compared to reading works from essay course books, or any specifically written material. Through the use of combined media such as sound, interactive gaming, text, motion image, and flash based graphic elements, they really force the reader to partake and indulge in the story in a new and unique way.

    2. The reader begins to realize that Alice is somewhat lonely. This could be due to her family being moved around frequently, and her not being able to attend public schools and make friends. To fill the void of being alone frequently, Alice befriends her gaming gadget, which is called a Ba-xi. She used her device to create an animated friend she likes to call Brad, a friend she could always look to for comfort or advice. Alice also possesses traits of anxiety and paranoia, due to the lack of communication between her and her parents.

    3. The interactive game element in which you are to find and collect the dolls, alludes to a scene at the end of episode three when Alice must give up her doll collection in order to pass the checkpoint, and also in order for the reader to finish the game.

    4. “I think the author is trying to say that living a transient lifestyle is not the best choice while raising children.”

    5. Transliteracy is the ability to read text, sound, video and interact as it occurs within the same place. I do feel fairly transliterate, in the sense that I am surrounded with multimedia, such as online social networking, youtube, myspace, and other media outlets that use more than one type of media to display information which I use on a daily basis.

  7. The online fiction "Inanimated Alice” is different from reading an essay from a course book because it's online interactive essay that cannot be printed off and read. It allows the reader to play games throughout the course of the context. It uses transliteracy approach (images, sounds and video's throughout each episode). I've personally have never been exposed to this kind of approach before and thought it was a great change of pace.

    Alice is a character that’s extremely nervous and seems to suffer from anxiety. She panics if she is left alone and always thinks of the worst scenario possible. The thing that I noticed that seemed to help Alice during the stressful time was looking at her hand held devise. She created a character named Brad on her devise that she would turn to if she needed that help.

    One example of foreshadowing would be the collecting of the dolls throughout the course of the 3rd episode. The context of the 3rd of very dark setting with the protagonist staying in the closet for most of the time, I believe that the dolls were symbolizing everything will work out for their family as long as you work for it.

    I think the author is trying to say there are all different creative ways to tell a story and you can not only use words to get your point across. Imagines and sounds can be a very effective way to express ones feelings. Looking at the Inaimated Alice episodes, the author is trying to create a sense of distraction through out the story. He uses very static sounds and very dark colors when explaining the story but when Alice turns to her hand held devise she seems to be in a very different world. Very bight colors and its her way of controlling her stressful situations.

    Transliteracy- being able to read, text, image, sound,, video, and interaction as it occurs within the same space. I personally feel I’m transliterated individual. I have a better time relating to the story when the author uses these techniques.

  8. 1. Inanimate Alice was very different from your usual essay or text. In this story, you interact with the different elements throughout the story, such as playing little games and clicking arrows to proceed. There are also a variety of medias offered, which include images related to the situations in the story, and music and video that help indulge the reader in the story even further.

    2. Alice seems to feel a bit alone, and that her only true companion is her friend Brad, who she created on her gaming gadget Ba-xi. The reason she feels lonely is because her family keeps moving around the world, due to her father’s job as an oil prospector. Alice seems to be very creative, just like her mother who enjoys to paint. Alice was nicknamed “The Animator,” by her snowboard buddies, because of her creative drawings on her Ba-xi. Alice also seems to portray traits of anxiety, as seen when both her parents don’t come home until very late.

    3. One example of foreshadowing is the doll collecting game at the beginning of Chapter 3. It states that you need to collect all the dolls in order to finish the game. At the end of the Chapter, if the reader hasn’t collected all of the hidden dolls throughout the story, the guard will not let you pass.

    4. “I think the author is trying to say living a lifestyle where you must keep living from place to place, isn’t an appropriate lifestyle for children, such as Alice. She never really has had any friends, and a virtual friend shouldn’t take the place of real ones.

    5. Transliteracy is the ability to read text, image, sound, video and interaction as it occurs within the same space. I feel that I am transliterate. Becoming interactive with the story, such as playing Alice’s games, made me connect more to the story then if Inanimate Alice was just in plain text. The pictures of the various locations throughout the story, as well as the videos, also helped with a better understanding as to what was occurring through Alice’s point of view.

  9. Lecture 13 - Inanimate Alice

    (1) Inanimate Alice is different from other books, since the reader interacts in multiple ways. Rather than simply reading text, the experience is enhanced with sounds, videos, images, and games. It helps the audience feel more immersed in the story.

    (2) Alice seems to be a very lonely child. She makes up a cartoon character, Brad, to comfort herself and fill the void of loneliness. She seems very independent for her young age. She’s also very talented, creative, and imaginative.

    (3) One instance of foreshadowing
    When Alice goes outside in the snow, she comments on how dark and cold it is. This foreboding atmosphere provides foreshadowing to the unfortunate event where gets trapped beneath the snow.

    (4) “I think the author is trying to say that mental strength can overcome physical strength. This is exemplified when she falls in an avalanche of snow, and uses her imaginary friend to calm her and talk her out of the situation safely."

    (5) I feel transliterate because I am a designer and am capable of portraying my ideas in a multitude of medias. For this reason, I am also capable to read such stories, for I am able to interact well and appreciate the work.
