Taking a Position
Reacting and Responding
Read Response Essay
Reading Activity
Taking a Position on Pandemics:
Definition? (on the board)
Examples? (on the board)
How does a pandemic usually erupt?
What actions or outcomes might be expected if there is a pandemic?
Can pandemics ever be useful?
What level of commitment is expected when you belong to an alliance?
Record facts in point form to show evidence of a Global Pandemic due to Avian Flu
How is Avian Flu like a natural disaster?
Where does the world stand in its fight to contain the spread of Avian Flu?
Does another global pandemic loom on the horizon or has the threat passed?
What are the implications for Central Illinois with its large population of wild birds?
Much Ado about Clucking:
Review “Much Ado about Clucking” in
Essay Writing
Address the following questions in a well structured response (paragraphs with topic sentences, transitions)
How do you feel about the way the topic is presented (hint: look at the title)?
What do you agree or disagree with?
Can you identify with the situation?
Give examples (at least three) of where the author agrees with others, disagrees, or both.
Rewrite three of the above examples in the opposing view.
Post as a comment to the Lecture 6 blog post
Position Paper Due in class (23 Feb., after Reading Week)
Due: First half of next class
Length: 5-8 Well Formed Paragraphs (2-3 pages)
Style: Formal (No Personal Pronoun)
Audience: Academic
Additional: Remember to use MLA style for references, include page numbers and your name on each page (top right header)
Refer to your Graphic Organisers, Notes, Text books, Dictionaries
Come to class with a topic and source(s) for your position paper 20% (newspaper report, journal article, film review – must be at least two pages)
Choose to write on “The Ticking Time Bomb” (247), “The Decline of Public Language” (367) or “Any Colour as Long as It’s Shakespeare” (361)
Read Chopin, “Story of an Hour” (95 HA)
Note: Image from
No Sheep.